Impact Evaluation and Needs Assessment for GLI's Down Syndrome Program in Uganda
This project would not have been possible without many others who are not listed as authors. Thank you to Professor Laurie Miller and our Teaching Assistant, Amal Ghazalein, for reviewing each deliverable with detail-oriented eyes. Thank you to the MPA program and the Brooks School of Public Policy for providing us with the opportunity to work on this project as our capstone project.
A Remote Water Pump Solution
A Wirtz pump uses a spiral tube to create air pressure in the spirals. This pressure pushes the water up the tube, so the more that it is pushed, the more water that it is able to push up.
Challenges of a Dualistic Health System in Rural Uganda
Health care in rural Uganda is multifaceted. It becomes evident, through reviewing the vast amount of literature covering the subject, that a comprehensive understanding of the health beliefs, barriers to healthcare access, and the intricate interplay of traditional medicine is essential to reduce the disparities in health outcomes currently seen in the region.
The AWAMU HIV Awareness Campaign
Training Peer Educator Champions to spread HIV prevention and awareness information among key populations in Uganda.
Carbon Offsets: A Primer
Over the past two decades, the practice of carbon offsetting has been met with both examples of success and failure. Academic literature and media coverage gives a plethora of examples of cautionary tales on these projects…
A Way Forward for Global Livingston Institute's Sustainability
Strategies to Measure Carbon Footprints for Carbon Offsetting.
N-PACT Cost Effectiveness Presentation
The GLI non-communicable disease prevention program in Uganda addresses hypertension and diabetes in rural areas.
Mental Health Services: A Needs Assessment in Northern Uganda
Having access to reliable, convenient, and quality mental healthcare services is critically important, more so following the COVID-19 pandemic.
GLI Final Presentation
Distributing a questionnaire to randomly sampled households in Kigali, Rwanda. The research did not seek to generalize the entire population: it looked at the case of Kigali city.
Assessing Factors for Increasing Plastic Collection in Kabale
This research study was undertaken as a capstone project for the Global Livingston Institute. The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors that are associated with plastic recycling in Kabale, Uganda, to enable the client to make changes to increase collection rates.
Recommendations for Global Livingston Institute’s Mental Health Facilitator Program
The following brief will present two recommendations for GLI’s Mental Health Facilitator program. Recommendations were conceptualized after analyzing statistical information collected on Lake Bunyonyi June-July 2022.
How COVID has Impacted Lake Bunyonyi's Education System
In the effort to learn how COVID-19 impacted education in communities around Lake Bunyonyi in southwestern Uganda, this project collaborated, evaluated, and constructed outcomes that are for and by the people.
Phase 4 Evaluation
This literature review aims to provide the history behind the term "former child soldiers", non-profit organization projects in Uganda, and the creation of GLI's current agricultural project in Lira, Uganda.
WASH Project for Bwama Primary School
WASH project in Bwama Primary School is crucial and in need of immediate implementation given the current practices and impacts of COVID-19.
Efficacy of Mobile Health in Uganda
How can Mobile Health (mHealth) be used to Help Lower the Infant and Maternal Mortality Rate in Uganda?
Team PlastiX Recommendations
Educate and sensitize the waste generators about the impacts of their waste on the environment and its livability as well as what they can do or change to achieve the sustainable development goal of their community.
A Case Study With Batwa Participants in Southwest Uganda
This thesis explores the inadvertent consequences of conservation-induced displacement utilizing a case study of Batwa, who were forcefully displaced from their ancestral forest lands…
Improving the Education and Living Situation of Children Born in Captivity
What measures can school and society take in response to the social stigma and unfair treatment that children born in captivity have suffered?
Three Year Sustainability Plan
In this sustainability plan, I first detail pertinent macroeconomic trends, as it mostly relates to agriculture and the implications of COVID-19. Then, I highlight development challenges and solutions in Uganda in two industries that largely impact Uganda's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rate: agriculture and energy.
Plastic Bottle Recycling in Uganda
Industry in Uganda consumes up to 600 metric tons of plastic waste a day and only about 6% of that waste is collected (Planet Buyback, 2021).