Staffable Impact Review
We collected all data through a survey/interview format. The survey was conducted with 50 Pizza Hut employees and we recorded individual responses by hand by having a dialogue with each employee to ensure the questions were translated correctly.
Jamie Van Leeuwen
Shane McLean
Lauren Reising
Jerry Amanya
Ryan Grundy
For this reason, a research partner fluent in Luganda conducted all interviews. The same researcher conducted all interviews to ensure continuity. Once data collection was complete, we analyzed the information in an impact context. Staffable’s mission Is to place individuals into employment opportunities so they can gain; a) financial Independence b) employment experience and Cc) training that serves as a launchpad to inspire a career-oriented path and gateway to future job opportunities. As a result, we were curious about Staffable’s range of impact in these three quadrants and considered the data accordingly.
Interviewees were permitted to choose more than one category when describing their primary spending patterns. As a result, the data points do not total an explicit 50. The majority of individuals who stated Transportation as a primary spending also chose Housing as well as Living. A noteworthy category is Savings, denoting 68 percent of Pizza Hut employees interviewed have a savings account and are managing their finances strategically. While low-income, informal employment opportunities in Kampala often yield an irregular income stream, such as driving a boda or selling consumables and/or clothing in small shops or “dukas” on the street, employment at Pizza Hut fosters a living standard that allows people to be comfortable enough to pay monthly living expenses as well as set a small amount of money aside each month into a savings account. Pizza Hut’s competitive wages have resulted in a higher than average retention rate, and they are seen as a desirable employer in the local restaurant/hospitality industry.