Colorado School of Mines Hand Pump Final Design
Farmers around Lake Bunyonyi rely on rainfall to water their crops. When the rainfall is not sufficient or it is dry season, the farmers must hand-deliver water from Lake Bunyonyi to their crops.
Entusi Model Farm Irrigation Initiative
Lake Bunyonyi, located in Southwestern Uganda, is situated below a vast expanse of hilly terrain. Climate change has made rainfall patterns in the area incredibly unpredictable and thus unreliable for farmers whose livelihood depends on their crops.
Entusi Model Farm Final Report
The Entusi model farm, located in the Lake Bunyonyi area of Southwestern Uganda, serves as an outdoor, hands-on classroom for local farmers to learn new farming techniques and practices.
Entusi Model Farm Pamphlet
The design presented in this brochure will illustrate the steps that need to be taken to properly design a robust and functioning check time on your farm.