Team PlastiX Recommendations
Educate and sensitize the waste generators about the impacts of their waste on the environment and its livability as well as what they can do or change to achieve the sustainable development goal of their community.
Plastic Recycling Opportunity
Address UN Sustainable Development Goals to build a regional collation of UN, NGO, Global Bottlers and Local Governments to invest in an rPET facility.
Africa Recycling Feasibility
The focus of this paper is on replicating a successful Bottle-to-Bottle recycling plant that currently exists in South Africa. We believe the best solution is to build the same plant in a central location in East Africa to serve as a regional solution to the processing of plastics collected across multiple East African countries including those collected in Uganda.
Impact Investing in Africa: A Case Study on East Africa
Philanthropy and the private sector are looking to social impact investing as a new approach to international development. Private equity is experimenting with innovative models that engage the nonprofit and public sectors with market investments that make a profit and support a public good.