
An educational resource in the style of Jeopardy.

Cora Cannedy

Evan Barrie-Kivel

Julia Hughes

Lily Denneen

Lorraine Kouao

Madison Fritz

Sydney Prokupek

Tess Richey

Need for agriculture literature/training in rural communities: "More rural (than urban) women said they would spend the time on agriculture, especially in Kaabong (33.6%) and Kabale (30.8%)... both men and women in Kaabong ranked planting and harvesting crops as the most valuable activity (more than 50% of both groups)" (Guloba, 2018).

Unexpected trends in the intersection of education and childcare in Uganda: "[T]he probability of spending time on childcare increases for women irrespective of education status, and becomes much higher as education levels rise... [Mlen with tertiary education and those who did not have any formal schooling were more likely to look after children" (Guloba, 2018).


Firewatch is a global web design studio that empowers film & entertainment companies to create flexible, robust websites that keep pace with their creative vision.

Policy Recommendation Public Health & Policy Group


GLI Public Health and Policy Presentation